More about FITTINGS Videos (2)
by Walter Sorrells
From Walter's Japanese Sword Video Series

So many fittings - it's confusing!
DID YOU KNOW ... that you can't even buy the tools to make some fittings?? You have to make 'em!
Walter talks with you about how you can make fittings for Japanese-style swords AND the tools to get it done!
It's all here, and
you can do it!
OR Just watch, learn and enjoy!
Walter Sorrells teaches YOU!
He draws on many years dedicated to the endless pursuit of mastery in all things Japanese swords ...
and other blades.
This video is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning about the construction of Japanese sword fittings.
It covers a lot of ground!
- Habakis and fuchis
- More obscure fittings like seppas and shitodomes
- Info on the small fixtures that are used to create them, like tool-and-die sets, jigs, & mandrels, so you know what you need in your own shop
By the way, the video is focused on the construction of fittings, rather than their decorative aspects, so you'll definitely get what you need to create high-quality, functional fittings.
This 2-part video series, shot in high-def for maximum clarity, is a must-watch for anyone interested in the art of sword making.