More about POLISHING
by Walter Sorrells
From Walter's Japanese Sword Video Series

That polish is INSANE! How do they do that??
to hear Walter talk with you about how you can polish modern Japanese-style swords (and other blades) ... or just learn about how to do it!
Walter Sorrells teaches YOU ... drawing on many years dedicated to the endless journey of mastery in all things Japanese swords - and other blades.
You're in for a treat with Walter's video on basic polishing methods for Japanese-style blades!
Walter's comprehensive coverage of sandpaper, belt grinder, and Japanese water stones, you'll learn various techniques and methods to improve the polish and geometry of your tameshigiri blade.
- What's more, Walter also includes etching and final hybrid polishing - perfect for those who prefer a non-traditional approach.
- His focus on setting the geometry of the shinogi and kissaki is particularly helpful, as these are often the trickiest areas to master in foundation polishing.
Walter demysties Japanese water stones so you can gain a deeper understanding of this essential tool.
All in all, this video promises to be informative, creative and clever, and will definitely help you achieve that "POP" in your hamon!
NOTE: This is NOT a “how to polish nihonto” video. It’s aimed at bladesmiths who make functional modern blades, or for those who just want to see how it's done.