More about Making Hamons DVDs by Walter Sorrells
From Walter's Japanese Sword Video Series

Who doesn't admire a beautiful hamon?!
Yep - he looks young in his Karate gi! On this video, Walter talks with you about how you can use techniques to make hamons!
Walter Sorrells teaches YOU ... drawing on many years dedicated to the endless journey of mastery in all things Japanese swords - and other blades.
The traditional Japanese method of heat treating swords is a fascinating and intricate process that results in a blade with a unique combination of hardness and flexibility. The beauty of this method is embodied in the hamon, a visible line in the steel that was originally intended as a decorative element.
What's in this video:
- You will walk through the process of clay hardening three blades with Walter, starting with simple techniques and progressing towards more complex designs
- Walter teaches you about the various types of traditional hamons and how to create them
- You'll learn the basics of heat treating carbon steel.
PLUS, the video provides sources of tools and equipment, making it a great resource for anyone interested in the art of Japanese sword making.