TO the BEGINNER who loves knives:
YOU deserve to learn a UNIQUE new way
to BUILD your FIRST knife FAST!
"Give me 3 WEEKS and YOU will
build your own FIRST knife!"
Knives are built step-by-step ... and
skills are learned step-by-step.
(If you're NOT a beginner, scroll all the way to the bottom ... and SHARE THIS with a beginner friend!)

To build your FIRST knife and be able to say, "I am a knife maker" ...
... you need expert instruction online that fits into your schedule. You need to know how to start, where you'll end up, how to build the skills you need. You'll need a pattern, clear, step-by-step instructions ... and a supportive community of folks just like you who offer support, advice, and accountability.
Keep reading & watching to learn more about how to build your very own first knife ... without any special skills, knowledge, or fancy equipment!
With beginners making knives like these
... in just a few weeks ...

What did this student say ... after making his first knife in just a few weeks?!
“ The confidence that I have now towards this second project is tenfold from where I started. To be honest, the projects scared me. I’m a perfectionist and tend to think my way out of doing projects where I could fail. But, I took all the positive vibes and suggestions from everyone and completed the first project wanting more! Thanks again Walter! "

Advice & encouragement from this beginner knife maker!
“ ... my first ever knife is “completed”.... I've wanted to do this for so many years and I can't understand that it has taken me so long.
This course and the support here have made me keep going ... and I've managed to let go of the desire to make a "perfect” blade as that mindset has been holding me back. This project wasn't completed before I started the next one and actually a third one ... the knifemaking bug has taken hold of me!
...a big shoutout to everyone on the course now or that will take it. You can do this, the instructions are great. I'm sure you will find - as I did - that it wasn't as hard or scary as you initially thought. ”

Check out this student's knife ... made in about a month!
“... Thank you, @Walter Sorrells, for the course! I learned a lot and know I want to continue ... there is a hairline fracture about 1/4 inch to the right of the plunge line after the heat treatment-hardening. I still love this knife. ”
It's no wonder our new knife makers are raving about Walter's unique approach to beginner knifemaking!
What are current students saying about EXPERIENCE Your First Knife?

How long have you been watching YouTube videos ... and hoping to end up with a knife?
Have you always wanted to make at least … one knife … but you just … somehow haven’t gotten it done?
So many guys spend a lot of time watching hundreds of YouTube videos and thinking that they should be able to make a knife.
It makes sense – but even with all of the hours spent watching videos, there isn’t … quite enough to get you started, then to help you FINISH your first knife.
People think they SHOULD be able to make a knife after spending tons of time watching hundreds of free videos.
Unfortunately - and what I really hate - is that after watching all those videos and not finishing a single knife - people think it's their own failure. They conclude that they’re just not cut out to make even one knife, let alone be able to call themselves a knife maker.
Is this you?
Even with all of the free information out there, most people WON'T successfully complete a knife.
The deal is that making a knife requires a lot of things to come together.
And not just things like:
1. A trusted instructor, well-known for his teaching and his expert craftsmanship.
2. A community of peers who cheers you on and helps you out. Or who just laughs with you when you burn up your file!
But also ...
How to start, where to start, how to keep going when you're discouraged, and how to frame mistakes - not as failures - but as learning points on the never-ending journey to improvement in the art of knifemaking.
I’ll be honest -
– I even thought guys would be able to make knives after watching hundreds of my videos. It's why I made them!
But … after SO MANY emails, comments and conversations asking me to teach them how, I realized I was WRONG.
I thought long and hard about that, and asked a group of beginners exactly what they would need to get through the process and build their first knife. I combined my knowledge with their needs and took a unique approach to building this class so that it checked all the boxes.
Why do we keep watching videos ... even if we can't make a knife? Because A KNIFE IS PERSONAL.

A knife is special, and connects us to our father, our grandfather, our family's outdoor traditions.
Learning the craft is honoring the craft. It's honoring our heritage. It's connecting us to those who came before us, and will connect us to our kids or grandkids who we make knives for. It is a source of pride to make that first knife and be able to say, "I am a knife maker."
And yet ... SO MANY people who want to build their very own knife just ... don't. Why NOT?
The biggest mistake beginners make
is thinking if they watch enough videos, they'll get what they need. But the thing is ... even me, making educational videos ... I have to be sure it captures the attention of ... well ... everyone. That means beginners, advanced people, guys who just want to be entertained. So some of the basic steps get skipped.
... and another common misconception
It's pretty common for people who have never made a knife to be hesitant about starting, because ... well, it sounds hard. And you don't know where to start. You think maybe you need more tools, different tools, better tools, a shop, some skills. On top of that, you are afraid it won't end up perfect. Well ... it won't. But as you'll see in the video, and in the testimonials above, it doesn't make you feel any less proud of your accomplishment.
Like a lot of beginners, you might be thinking ...
"... after trying to make one on my own, after buying a video course, after watching TONS of videos, and reading books, I just ... can't make a knife."
If you're like most of the beginners who just completed their first - and in some cases, second and even third knives in a few short weeks - you are in good company!
Knives are built step-by-step.
You download the design. You check your materials and tools - most guys have fun doing this part - and you follow the step-by-step- instructions. It's one project step at a time, with challenges & skill-building exercises - because most people have never even started a knife, let alone finished one.
Walter walks you through the process.
So just think ... if you had one of the world's expert instructors walking you through step-by-step, so that it fits into YOUR life and your circumstances ... and you even had a peer group ... do you think you could do it?
Well, you have it now!
Walter's unique approach to helping you make your first knife, with no special skills and no power tools is available to YOU!
EXPERIENCE Your First Knife
with Walter Sorrells
in the course?
🔪 Tool options - Where to get them (and where to get them for less!)
🔪 Materials - Easy checklists!
🔪 Clear step-by-step instructions
🔪 How to use tools
🔪 Knife Design with dimensions
🔪 Skill-building and challenges
🔪 Challenges to keep you on track
🔪 Community for sharing, learning, accountability & CELEBRATION!
🔥IF ... you've caught the knifemaking bug after completing your FIRST KNIFE and want to keep going ... the second knife build follows a similar structure, with additional instruction and skill building.
THAT'S RIGHT ... if you want to build on your success with your FIRST KNIFE and make a SECOND ONE, you're covered! (The second one is taught using a power tool or two.)
1 | Knife Knowledge & Useful Resources
Throughout the course and in the introductions, Walter provides background tips and information about many elements of the art of knifemaking. You'll also find downloadable files, reference materials, checklists, recommendations for how much time to allot to each step, suggestions for extra watching.
2 | Project Instruction
Walter guides you step-by-step through each part of the knife you are building. You'll experience bite-sized learning as you watch the clear video instruction that Walter is known for. You'll also receive instruction for extra skill building exercises to practice before the project step - where you'll apply what you've learned. You'll gain confidence as you build your skills in filing, grinding, annealing, assembling your handle and heat treating - hands-on!
3 | Challenges
Each project step corresponds to a challenge within the Community. The challenges give everyone a chance to share lessons learned, post pictures and videos of what worked ... and didn't ... to offer advice, and share different methods that different folks have tried. It's a great place to learn, or share a new experiment, or get a pat on the back for your efforts
4 | Community & Celebration 🎉
Even beyond the challenges, you can ask questions, post pictures and interact with others sharing the beginner knifemaking experience.
What do Podcasters say about Walter??

Toby Fire & Steel Podcast
“This person [Walter Sorrells, the guest on his podcast], I reckon is responsible for more people getting into knifemaking than ANYBODY else. I must have spoken to 20 people in the last three few years who have said, ‘hey I was watching this YouTube video by said guest [Walter Sorrells], and now I’m a knifemaker myself.’”

JS Bladecraft (YouTube Channel)
“He is an American bladesmith … you guys know already Walter Sorrells. He is simply amazing. The work that he produces is so close to perfect that it’s unimaginable!” “… As far as I’m concerned, he’s an American icon because he brought the art of the Japanese sword into the states and he does it so extremely well… he has an amazing YouTube channel and he shares … with anyone who is getting started – novices – or experienced."

Knifemaker’s Mastery Podcast
“... through much sweat, discipline, and dedication to craftmanship, [Sorrells] became a well-respected blade smith, who in the Japanese tradition, not only learned to hand-forge Japanese-inspired swords, but he even smelted his own steel. Eventually, his unrelenting dedication to craftsmanship had established him as a master and other knife makers began to ask him for advice and guidance.”
to build your FIRST knife ... by Christmas!
EXPERIENCE Your First Knife!
with Walter Sorrells
Only $297
The BEST & ONLY First Knife Course anyone will ever need!
50% OFF
Satisfaction?? GUARANTEED
All these years I've worked hard to share excellence, and if you're paying me something, I sure want you to be happy. If - for any reason - you want your money back, there is a 30-day guarantee. Just send an email to [email protected], and we'll promptly issue a refund.
Plus ... BONUSES!!

Bonus 1
Keep it Up | Motivation
($97 Value)
Walter is known for his disciplined approach to ... well, pretty much everything! He gives you HIS OWN system to help motivate you, keep you FOCUSED, MOTIVATED and PRODUCTIVE, and have some fun doing it!
Bonus 2
Don't Get Fooled! | Tool Buying Guide
($77 value)
Everything I've learned from YEARS of tool buying, and what I've found out from using so darned many of them. I've learned when to spend, when to scrimp, what wears well, what doesn't, what you need, and what you DON't! It's all yours!
Bonus 3
Find it now! | Guide to Knife Making Gear Suppliers
($57 value)
Along with the hard-won wisdom I've gained over the years about tools, I've come to the same spot with suppliers. I can wholeheartedly recommend some, and I'll spread the wealth to you!
Bonus 4
Razor Sharpness | Sharpening Tips
($67 value)
What good is a knife if it doesn't cut? No use whatsoever. If you're going to make a knife, you want it sharp. And ... you can sharpen other knives too. There is an art to it!
Bonus 5
There's a Right Way ... and a WRONG Way! | Understanding Knife Making Standards
Walter provides comprehensive information about knife making standards.
Bonus 6
It Ain't Worth It, Bro. | Safety Tips for Knife Makers
Sharp objects are dangerous. So is heat. So is grinding. Staying safe is as important as anything you can do.
Bonus 7
Resources | Useful Sources for Info
($57 Value)
Over the years, I've figured out pretty well where great information can be found on knife making-related stuff, so sharing it in the course.
The BIG KAHUNA Bonus | a Kitchen Knife Build!
($497 Value)
YES - Another full Knife Build course !!
YES!! I want to make my FIRST knife!
You'll receive an email RIGHT AWAY with ...
🔥 Instructions for joining the community and completing your first challenge.
🔥 Pointers on where to find some extras, like bonuses and past Q&As you can watch.
🔥 Information about where to find the course and community and how to get started.
🔥 MAYBE THE BEST PART - a list of materials & tools to collect so that you're ready when the course opens ... BUT ... you work at your own pace, so don't stress about getting them ahead of time!
🔥 Just be sure to check your email for information.
I can't wait to for you to experience the pride of making your own FIRST knife!
Look at these results!
Most students completed their FIRST knife in 2-3 weeks! Don't they look great?

Picture YOUR knife HERE ... in December!

I'm so proud of the folks who are going through the course and have completed their first - or second and third knives - most of them in three or four weeks.
Given my devotion to this art form over the last 25 years, nothing would make me happier than seeing you be successful at building YOUR first knife!
In case I missed anything, here are some commonly asked questions:
When can I access the course?
You can access it starting NOON EST on Wednesday, November 22nd. You can download the tools & materials list NOW right below this list if you can't wait to get started! REMEMBER - it's ONLINE & self-paced, so you can complete your first knife on whatever schedule works for you!
Do I need any skills at all?
Nope! Walter will teach you everything you need to know. This is truly a course for beginners.
Is there any special equipment I need to make the first knife?
A few things would be helpful, and you need the files – one of which will become your FIRST KNIFE, and one of which will help you make that knife! You can find a list of tools and materials you need below - if you’re lacking the basics. The list also has what you would need for the second knife … should you catch the knifemaking bug and want to make your second knife!
What if I'm unhappy with the course? Can I get my money back?
Yes, a 30-day money-back guarantee is offered!
I do better with hands-on help. Will I really be able to see what I need to do?
Yes. The skill building and instructional videos have clear, close-ups with step-by-step instructions. And … you can jump into the community to work with your peers and post pictures. Plus, Walter will do LIVE Q&As, and if you miss them, you can always access the replays in the community.
What if something comes up and I don’t have time to do this every week?
Your access to every aspect of the course does not end – the skill building and instructional videos, Q&A recordings, and community. So, if you want to replay a video when you're doing another knife in a few years, it'll still be there for you!
How much will I need to drop on tools and materials to make my FIRST KNIFE?
Materials? About $50. Tools - tough to say. Most of you will own everything on the list (click the blue button below). If you don't own a drill, hair dryer or a hacksaw ... you might have to drop a few bucks! Don't we all wish hobbies were free.
My goal is to provide EVERYTHING a beginner needs to make their FIRST knife. Email us at [email protected] if you need anything.
In 15 years, wouldn't you rather be looking at a bunch of knives you made ... instead of wishing you had learned how?
I like to learn hands-on. Can I get this done online?
One of our other beginners - whose video is on this page, explains that he is an experiential learner. It worked for him, so I'll bet it works for you!
But ... if you give it a go and you don't like it, you have 30 days to get your money back.
A lot of people learn on YouTube, so why should I buy a course?
You're right that some people learn from YouTube, but it's hard that way. I mean, think how many videos you've watched, and yet ... you haven't finished your first knife.
That's not on you. It's just that YT videos - even good ones - don't walk you through everything you need to know.
Can't I buy a $99 video and make a knife?
Maybe ... but ... if you're like a lot of people, you may not get enough clear step-by-step instruction to complete your first knife. Then you're $99 in the hole ... and still no knife.
It helps to have bite-sized chunks of learning AND a supportive community of other beginner knife makers.
YES!! I want to make my FIRST knife!
SIGN ME UP NOW!Already a Knifemaker? Don't forget to share this with a beginner!
Whether you've made a few or are a professional, click the button below!
I'm already a knifemaker!